Alpha-Omega is an associated project of the OpenSSF, established in February 2022, funded by Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, and with a mission to protect society by catalyzing sustainable security improvements to the most critical open source software projects and ecosystems. The project aims to build a world where critical open source projects are secure and where security vulnerabilities are found and fixed quickly.
Organizations join Alpha-Omega because they want to take an active role in improving the security of open source software models.
Partnering with open source software project maintainers to systematically find new, as-yet-undiscovered vulnerabilities in open source code – and get them fixed – to improve global software supply chain security.
“Alpha” will work with the maintainers of the most critical open source projects to help them identify and fix security vulnerabilities, and improve their security posture.
“Omega” will identify at least 10,000 widely deployed OSS projects where it can apply automated security analysis, scoring, and remediation guidance to their open source maintainer communities.